The therapist named the reasons for increased sensitivity to cold

One of the reasons for increased sensitivity to cold, which makes a person can freeze even in the heat, there is a malfunction in the work of the thyroid gland, the therapist warned.

The doctor named the reasons for increased sensitivity to cold in an interview, singling out thyroid gland dysfunction. A decrease in the production of thyroid hormones – hypothyroidism – can affect the fact that a person does not tolerate not only low temperatures, but also completely normal ones. For example, it can be freezing in a heated room.

At the same time, the therapist noted, increased frostbite is not the main symptom of this disorder.

“If we talk about hypofunction of the thyroid gland, then there a large number of symptoms, the main of which is terrible lethargy and drowsiness,” said the doctor.

According to the expert, the presence of these symptoms is a reason to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. The therapist explained that it is possible to detect existing malfunctions in the functioning of the thyroid gland with the help of an appropriate test.

The therapist noted that the cause of increased sensitivity to cold is far from always some kind of pathology.

“It is not disease is a feature of the body. If a person is cold, it means that his body is arranged in such a way that he tolerates cold temperatures worse,” the doctor stated.

The therapist emphasized that in this case it is impossible to name either drugs or medical procedures that would allow solve the problem. Only warming, consumption of hot food and drinks can help.

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Author: alex

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