The time when you should have dinner to slow down aging and prolong life is named

Experts express different opinions about what time you should have dinner in order not to harm your health, Sözcü writes. The correspondent of the publication talked about this with a specialist in biochemistry and anti-aging, Dr. Aishegül Chorukhlu. He explained how dangerous it is to eat at night and how useful an early meal is.

“One of the biggest mistakes in nutrition is eating late,” says specialist in biochemistry and anti-aging, Dr. Ayshegul Chorukhlu. – Because such a situation entails not only excess weight, but also diseases”.

Some experts say that eating most of your daily calories during the day and eating a light meal at dinner has significant health benefits. At the same time, it is emphasized that dinner time is also important. However, there are different opinions on this issue. Some believe that the best time is 18:00, others – 19:00. We asked biochemistry and anti-aging specialist Dr. Ayşegül Çoruhlu about the best time to eat dinner and how early dinner affects our health…

Time is very important

Nazan Doganer Khaliji: What do you think is the best time to have dinner?

The question of time is important not only from the point of view of weight, but also the cellular functioning of the entire organism. Even improvement or deterioration during all diseases depends on this question. Simply put, the functioning of the entire body changes depending on the time of day. The work of the body in the morning is different from the way it functions at noon, the work at noon is different from the work in the evening, at night, and so on. The question of time is such an important area of ​​medicine that this area is studied under a new name – “chronomedicine”.

All cells have circadian genes, and the functioning of these genes differs depending on the time of day. On the subject of food, research shows that in the evening hours, as the sun goes down, the entire digestive system begins to work differently. For example, insulin, produced by the pancreas in response to blood sugar, makes more precise adjustments in the morning hours, but does a much worse job in the evening.

The system responsible for all functions related to eating and drinking, from digestion to bowel movements, becomes sluggish at night. Because the internal clock in the genetic code of the cells of these organs is configured to work better with a large number of daylight rays. This setting has been in our nature for millennia. Our being is not adapted to a late dinner. According to circadian rhythms, the last meal should be before 17:00.

If you eat late…

– And what to do if hungry after an early dinner?

– When you switch to an earlier dinner, you will get used to it. Especially if during the last meal you do not eat food rich in carbohydrates, namely sweet, floury, you will not feel hungry in the future. It may be difficult for you to immediately give up the habit of eating late, but if you present the benefits, it will be easier to do. At first, you can reserve light meals, such as soup or salad with olive oil, but ideally – complete fasting.

– What are the consequences of eating dinner late (for example, at 9 p.m. )?

– Dinner at this time accelerates aging. It really is. When you eat late, you stress the system at the cellular level. For example, let's take our intestines. The entire surface of the intestine must be completely renewed every four to five days. This renewal is maximal when fasting in the evening and in a state of good sleep.

However, if you eat, the structure of your intestines remains the same. Some people cannot give up eating late. They can be advised to avoid heavy food. Give preference to soups, stews, dishes with olive oil. However, flour and sweet products, as well as meat should not be included in this meal.

– How to avoid night snacks?

– If you cannot get rid of this habit, then instead of cakes and pastries, try to prepare snacks from vegetables, such as cucumber, carrots, peppers, or fruits with low sugar content. Nuts are a heavy food for a late-night snack, they should be eaten during the day.

Aging speed is reduced

– What is the benefit of an early dinner?

– The earlier you have dinner, the better. So you do not disturb the biorhythms of the body. I have already said that all body functions have their own time. The time needed for renewal and restoration is the evening hours and nighttime sleep. If we finish eating early, the body, which can easily go into the fasting phase, will begin to cleanse us of all old cells. We call this autophagy, which means the body's destruction of old cells. We can also call it cellular detox.

When old cells are destroyed, new cells must be created in their place. This process is also better done during night fasting. Therefore, just by switching to an early dinner, we can get rid of our old cells and find new ones. Eating at night increases weight. Those who eat at night tend to accumulate fat around the waist and in the liver, even if their weight is relatively normal.

So if you want to lose weight and gain health as a bonus, then you should eat dinner until 17:00. This knowledge is becoming more and more common throughout medicine. At the same time, this recommendation allows you to reduce weight as quickly as possible.

Because the time when the body burns energy, and does not store it, is the day. By eating during the day and not eating in the evening and at night, you can easily lose weight without counting calories.

By having an early dinner, you can get rid of any disease you have and restore your diseased organ. Rheumatism, diabetes, eczema and others – no matter what the disease is, you will make a positive contribution in any case. On the other hand, if you are disease-free and overweight, eating an early dinner will slow down the rate of aging.

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Author: alex

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