The top five science-backed ways to slow down aging available

Representatives science claims that some simple lifestyle changes and healthy habits can slow down aging and increase life expectancy.

10 minutes of exercise.From the point of view of science, the secret to slowing down aging is a sprint, not a marathon: you can spend only 10 minutes a day on exercise, but you need to do it regularly. In turn, the journal JAMA Internal Medicine informs that 10-minute runs have a rejuvenating effect on the brain: they contribute to the maintenance of cognitive functions that deteriorate with age. There is also evidence that older men and women who regularly exercise look biologically almost 30 years younger than their chronological age.

Reduce inflammation.According to the Stanford School of Medicine, up to 90% of diseases associated with aging, including cancer, heart disease and dementia, are associated with chronic inflammation. The most effective available way to fight inflammation is a healthy lifestyle – exercise, avoiding excess weight, adequate sleep, positive perception of the world.

Nutrition.Scientists at the University of Bergen (Norway) state that a healthy diet can increase life expectancy by six to seven years in middle-aged people and by about ten years in young people – mainly by reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. According to researchers, those who control the amount of meat and dairy products consumed, avoid sweet drinks and foods with a high level of sugar, live longer.

Protection from stress. Research by the American Heart Association Association (AHA) shows that men who worry a lot and are nervous are at a higher risk of developing heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, which shorten their lives. One of the most affordable ways to start worrying less is to stop constantly monitoring the news.

Maintaining a healthy weight. Journal Jama Network Open, citing research, writes that people who control their weight, better protected from aging diseases associated with age-related decline in cognitive function. Excess fat in the body is associated with a higher level of damage to blood vessels and deterioration of blood supply to the brain – hence the susceptibility to dementia in its various manifestations.

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Author: alex

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