The traditional male diet is more dangerous for our planet
A typical male diet, containing a lot of meat , contributes 40% more harmful emissions to the atmosphere than the female diet. Such an interesting conclusion was reached by researchers from the University of Leeds in Great Britain.
Containing a large amount of meat products, the traditional male diet contributes to 40% more harmful emissions into the atmosphere than the female diet. And these emissions provoke global warming, which threatens humanity with various natural disasters and cataclysms. Every year, their number is increasing, including terrible forest fires, floods, and other natural disasters, including abnormal heat waves.
The study showed that a quarter of all harmful emissions associated with the human diet are so-called optional food and drink, without which we could quite live. These are coffee, alcohol, as well as various sweets.
The policy of promoting sustainable nutrition should be based, first of all, on the promotion of plant-based food. But if people are taught to give up sweets and carbonated drinks, as well as alcohol, then this will provide additional opportunities not only for strengthening human health, but also for fighting climate change.
Another recently conducted study showed that vegan and vegetarian diets are about a third cheaper than conventional ones. Previously, it was argued that veganism is the prerogative of a privileged class, since, for example, soy milk substitutes are several times more expensive than a traditional drink, and the same can be said about many other products.
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