The type of foods that cause inflammation and pain in the joints is named
Passion for foods that are saturated with refined carbohydrates contributes to the appearance and exacerbation of the symptoms of arthritis, which is characterized by pain and inflammation in the joints.
Inflammation is a reaction of the immune system, which “turns on” the inflammatory process of combating foreign agents, pathogens. In some cases, the inflammation becomes chronic, which can cause unwanted effects such as arthritis.
According to Harvard Health, the inflammation that leads to the symptoms of arthritis can be exacerbated by the refined carbohydrates consumed. .
Refined carbohydrates, also known as “simple” carbohydrates, refer to sugars (such as glucose, fructose, sucrose) or anything made from grains that have been processed, stripping them of their hulls, fiber, fiber, and many nutrients. Everyday examples of refined carbohydrates include white bread, pastries, various flour products and desserts.
“Try to avoid or limit these foods as much as possible,” experts advise.
In turn, , the Arthritis Foundation states that processed carbohydrates may surpass fats in their ability to increase weight and provoke the development of chronic diseases.
“Foods saturated with fast carbohydrates have a high glycemic index and stimulate the production of glycation end products, which activate inflammation.”
Experts recommend giving preference to complex carbohydrates, which are digested more slowly and do not break down into glucose very quickly . These include whole grain bread and pasta, whole grains, brown rice, most fruits and vegetables, and legumes.
What else should you avoid? Several studies have shown that saturated fat causes inflammation of adipose tissue, which not only increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, but also increases inflammation in arthritis.
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