The unpleasant smell of sweat: why and where it comes from

Deodorants and antiperspirants help to eliminate the effects sweating-unpleasant odors and excess moisture. But where do these aromas come from?

Why do we sweat

Sweat is necessary for the normal functioning of the body, despite the fact that we constantly try to get rid of it. The main functions of sweating are as follows:

  • Maintain thermoregulation of the body;
  • Control the water-salt balance in the body;
  • Excrete waste and harmful substances, toxins and impurities;
  • Moisturize the skin, protect it from drying out.

Why does sweat smell

When there are no violations in the body and a person observes the rules of personal hygiene, sweat usually does not have a sharp unpleasant aroma. Sweating is a common thing, to solve the various problems we mentioned above.

Most often, the smelly discharge is in the armpits, crotch, arms and legs. People mask odors with antiperspirants and other means. However, this is not a fight against the cause, but a concealment of the consequences.

Bacteria are usually the cause of unpleasant odors. They reproduce intensively in a special environment. It is about high humidity outdoors or indoors, as well as elevated body temperature. The reproduction of harmful microorganisms is precisely what provokes the same specific smell.

How to remove the smell of sweat

First of all, it is necessary to observe hygiene on a regular basis. If this does not help and the aromas persist, you can seek help from a doctor. They usually start looking for the cause at a dermatologist. If necessary, the patient is sent to another specialist (if we are talking about problems of internal organs).

And then one of the reasons related to the state of internal systems turns out to be. They usually include a disturbed hormonal background, menstrual cycle, disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In such situations, the help of an endocrinologist, gynecologist, neuropathologist or gastroenterologist will be necessary.

Is it possible to understand which of the doctors should be consulted, so as not to run in a row from office to office, from hospital to hospital? Yes, you need to pay attention to the smell of sweat itself – it can be different.

For example, with the smell of acetone or chlorine, we are usually talking about liver problems, the smell of urine from sweat indicates a violation of the genitourinary system. The aroma of vinegar is about tuberculosis, the sweet shade is about diabetes, and the disturbed metabolism is accompanied by the smell of mice.

Such aromas can be eliminated, but not hidden by deodorants. For this, it will be necessary to solve the main problem. Antiperspirants do not kill sweat, but lead to the appearance of a cosmetic effect. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor, get rid of the main cause of the smell of sweat, get treatment and live happily.

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Author: alex

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