The urologist explained that he can “talk” about the health of the urine

Urine is a metabolic product, and some conclusions about health can be made by evaluating its condition. Doctor of Medicine, urologist Christoph Pais (Germany) told about it.

The German urologist explained that he can “talk” about the health of the urine. According to the specialist, people produce an average of one and a half liters of urine per day. It is formed in the kidneys, 95% consists of water. The remaining part is waste, which includes urea, glucose, amino acids, other acids, electrolytes.

Color. Christoph Pais recommends not to pay too much attention to the color of urine. Its transparency or saturated color depends on various factors, these parameters are subject to natural fluctuations during the day. In the morning, our urine is usually darker and thicker because various ingredients have been concentrated in it overnight. Also, its dark color can indicate insufficient hydration of the body, possible dehydration.

Curbidity. In some cases, it is explained by pathological reasons.

“If your kidney filter too coarse, it may begin to pass protein particles that should remain in the body. Then the urine becomes cloudy, frothy. If the urine is cloudy, with flakes, it means inflammation, you must visit a doctor with it,” explained the specialist.

Redness. Traces of blood in the urine indicate probable problems with health – this signal should be especially alarming if no pain is observed. A burning sensation on the toilet indicates a relatively harmless urinary tract infection that can be easily treated with medication. The urologist recommends to investigate the causes of blood impurity in order to rule out serious and dangerous circumstances.

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Author: alex

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