The whole truth about chocolate that everyone should know is revealed
This product has many people bypass it, as they consider it an ordinary sweetness that does not give the body anything but extra kilograms. But this is a big mistake, the author of the article assures. It has been proven that this product has numerous beneficial properties, all thanks to one substance contained in it.
Cocoa is the main ingredient of chocolate and cocoa powder. In recent years, it has been discovered that the cocoa found in chocolate and cocoa beans is rich in polyphenols, which have various health benefits. One of them is its high efficacy when used to prevent atherosclerosis.
There are several types of polyphenols, including anthocyanins found in red wine and blueberries, catechins found in green tea, and isoflavones found in soybeans. , but cocoa polyphenols attract the most attention because they can be easily supplied to the body, as they are contained, for example, in chocolate or cocoa, which can be consumed at any time.
In addition, in addition to polyphenols, cocoa is also rich in dietary fiber, minerals, and protein—nutrients that are often lacking in the diet.
Key Nutrient Components of Cocoa
We eat chocolate all the time, but do you know what cocoa contains?
Polyphenols are present in cocoa beans, from which chocolate is made. Polyphenols are a type of antioxidants that reduce the amount of reactive oxygen species. It is important to use them every day.
What are reactive oxygen species?
First, they protect us from harmful bacteria and viruses. However, when there is too much of this oxygen, those parts of the body that were once healthy, such as organs, skin, and bones, can “rust” (oxidize). It can provoke the appearance of wrinkles, fatigue and hair loss, so it is important to monitor its amount.
It is a protein found in cocoa. Protein is one of the three macronutrients, along with carbohydrates and fats, and is necessary for the body because it is involved in muscle development and is present in the skin. It also plays a role in the production of hormones that regulate the body's work and fill it with energy.
Theobromine acts similarly to caffeine. It has a calming effect and improves concentration. It is also a bronchodilator, diuretic and stimulant.
This is one of the types of insoluble dietary fiber. Since the substance does not dissolve in water, it supports the work of the intestines. Lignin also increases the number of bacteria in the intestine, and this helps to regulate its functions.
It is recommended to consume about 25 grams of chocolate with a high cocoa content per day
Chocolate with a high cocoa content (at least 70 %) is the best way to provide the body with polyphenols and nutrients. Such chocolate is called dark or bitter.
Milk chocolate-chocolate, the cocoa content of which is 35-40%, must be consumed in large quantities to achieve a similar effect.
Meanwhile, in milk chocolate has more sugar and fat, so if you eat too much of it, you will gain more calories and weight.
White chocolate, which does not contain cocoa, naturally contains very little polyphenols.
It is strongly recommended to consume chocolate at a certain time to reduce fatigue and irritability at work.
Chocolate and cocoa play an important role – delicious chocolate can lift your mood, and a warm cup of cocoa can warm you and give you a sense of comfort.
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