The worst alcohol: scientists gave the answer

Beer is considered a safe alcoholic beverage. However, scientists from the School of Medicine at the University of Indiana (USA) concluded that despite the small content of alcohol in it, it is more dangerous than other alcohol.

The safe daily dose of alcohol is 20-30 and 30-40 ml for women and men, respectively. During the study, volunteers selected for participation regularly consumed beer in a dose corresponding to 15 ml of alcohol. This was accompanied by a reaction of a sharp release of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is called the hormone of pleasure, because it is an element of the brain's reward system.

As a result, addiction developed and the need to consume higher doses of alcohol increased. That is, drinking beer contributes to the emergence of addiction, which in turn has a negative effect on the liver.

According to scientists, beer alcoholism occurs very quickly, because beer is not perceived as an alcoholic drink. As a result, the addiction to the drink has more serious consequences than the consumption of strong alcohol. Thus, the concept of a safe dose cannot be used for beer.

Another danger lies in the composition of beer. Many manufacturers do not use natural ingredients in its preparation, as a result of which it contains many carcinogens.

Also, according to some reports, drinking beer can affect hormones, which is related to a powerful phytoestrogen in hops called 8-PN, also known as Hopein. This can lower testosterone levels, which is a risk factor for the development of impotence or sexual weakness in every second to third man.

As noted in the LT Men's Clinic, which specializes in the treatment of men with low testosterone levels (hypogonadism), irregular drinking of beer does not lead to a significant increase in estrogen levels and breast enlargement or the occurrence of any side effects of low testosterone.

However, with regular and excessive beer consumption, negative consequences are very likely, which is due to phytoestrogen and prolactin, which are included in most types of beer. These two chemicals can increase estrogen levels, causing the body to react and lower testosterone levels. In men who abuse beer, the mammary glands increase, the size of the pelvis also increases, in women the risk of developing oncological diseases of the breast increases.

Scientists noted that excessive consumption of beer can also cause the development of diseases from the of the heart due to the expansion of the cavities and thickening of its walls, necrosis in the heart muscle, a decrease in the number of mitochondria. These symptoms have the name “Bavarian beer heart”, given by the German professor Bollinger. Other negative consequences include varicose veins, which develop due to the carbon dioxide contained in beer.

Thus, scientists warn that the negative effects of beer should not be underestimated, especially due to the rapid habituation, as it worsens health It paves the way for the consumption of other, even more harmful drinks.

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Author: alex

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