The worst eating habit that ages you the fastest

While the aging process cannot be stopped, there are several ways to help to prolong life. Scientists have already proven that lifestyle and, in particular, diet have a direct impact on longevity. That is why it is important to get rid of bad eating habits that can age the body much faster.

Doctor-nutritionist Joan Ifland said that one of the most dangerous is the regular consumption of ultra-processed foods, writes Infozoid.

“Many physical, mental, emotional and behavioral disorders can be associated with the use of such products. It has been shown that they reduce cell function and cause brain dysfunction, fatigue, bloating, high blood pressure, joint pain, and much more,” Ifland noted.

For example, scientists from the University Navarre (Spain) found a connection between the consumption of ultra-processed products and an accelerated decrease in the length of telomeres, which are the main indicator of aging.

Another review showed that frequent consumption of such products provokes the development of various diseases, hypertension, metabolic syndrome , diabetes, breast cancer, as well as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

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Author: alex

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