Therapist: What can a rise in temperature in the evening mean?
An increase in temperature in the evening can be both physiological and pathological in nature, states a doctor, therapist and pulmonologist.
The therapist shared her professional opinion in an interview about what a rise in temperature in the evening can mean. Drinking alcohol, taking medicine, hot food or physical exertion – all this, according to the doctor, can be physiological factors of a higher (compared to normal) body temperature.
Calling the pathological causes of elevated temperature, the therapist noticed that they are most often found to be cold infections. It can also hide a disturbed mechanism of thermoregulation, neurological abnormalities, stress.
In addition, a change in body temperature in the evening can provoke hormonal abnormalities, pathologies of the endocrine system, as well as oncological diseases.
The doctor told in which cases it is necessary to consult a doctor due to an increase in temperature.
“An increase in body temperature up to 37 degrees is considered normal. However, if it is 0.5 degrees above the norm, then it is worth worrying,” the doctor noted.
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