There is new evidence for the benefits of breastfeeding
Scientists from the United States conducted a new study that confirmed the benefits of breastfeeding. Women who practice it are less likely to suffer from diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Breastfeeding provides even more benefits for women's health, as scientists from Northern Virginia in the USA found. They call the obtained evidence exciting and exciting. It was found that women who breastfeed are 14% less likely to later experience coronary heart disease, 12% less likely to have strokes and 17% less likely to die from cardiovascular disease. The analysis included the medical histories of more than 1.2 million women over a 10-year period.
This is truly stunning news, and found that the longer the period of breastfeeding, the greater the protective effect, which persisted at least until 12 months of breastfeeding. The exact reasons for such a positive effect of this practice on a woman's health have not been established. According to one version, the hormone oxytocin is released during breastfeeding, which has antihypertensive and antioxidant effects.
In addition, breastfeeding allows a woman to lose excess weight gained during pregnancy as quickly as possible. Science has previously proven that breastfeeding mothers have a reduced risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and type 2 diabetes. This procedure is also useful for babies, in which the risk of asthma, obesity, type 1 diabetes, ear infections and sudden infant death syndrome is reduced. It is recommended to exclusively breastfeed the baby during the first six months of life, and up to a year, breastfeeding can be combined with complementary foods.
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