These foods can cause acne breakouts

If your skin is prone to acne and pimples, then special attention should be paid to nutrition. There are foods that are much more likely to aggravate skin disorders.

Refined carbohydrates. White rice, pasta, wheat bread, soda, other sugary drinks, and foods rich in refined carbohydrates carbohydrates Their consumption can increase blood sugar and insulin levels, which increases the likelihood of acne breakouts.

Dairy products. Studies show a link between dairy products and the severity of acne in teenagers. Scientists suggest that drinking milk can increase the level of insulin, which has a negative effect on the number of acne. What's more, the amino acids in cow's milk stimulate the liver to produce more insulin-like growth factor 1, also linked to acne.

Fast food. Research shows a strong connection between the Western diet and acne. Various types of fast food, such as burgers, hot dogs, fries, and milkshakes, are high in calories, fat, and refined carbohydrates. Observations show that these foods stimulate the production of hormones that lead to the production of excess sebum.

Chocolate. Another study suggested that chocolate worsens the course of acne, but the effect is mixed. on all people. It is believed that after eating chocolate, the immune system increases its response to acne-causing bacteria.

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Author: alex

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