These foods have been proven to have a “direct link” to cancer — and it's not meat
Cancer remains a major scourge worldwide, despite the fact that vast resources are spent on finding cures. More and more evidence points to the role of diet in the development of cancer. The study found a “direct link” between refined grains and stomach cancer.
Foods that have been processed and stripped of their nutritional value are known as refined foods.
Refined cereals include cakes , desserts, white bread, pasta, muffins, sweet or savory cookies, refined grain breakfast cereals, white rice, pancakes, waffles and pizza. This study examined the role of a wide range of foods and beverages in the risk of stomach cancer.
Researchers analyzed data from a case-control study conducted in Italy between 1997 and 2007, which included 230 people with confirmed gastric cancer (143 men and 87 women aged 22 to 80 years and 547 men in the control group (286 men and 261 women aged 22 to 22 -80 years) hospitalized for acute non-cancerous diseases.
Inverse risk trends were observed with the consumption of vegetables and fruits.
“The results of this study confirm the protective role of vegetables and fruits against gastric cancer and suggest a detrimental effect of (refined) cereals on this neoplasm,” the researchers concluded. .
Numerous studies over the years have found a link between refined grains and the risk of developing cancer.
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