These foods should be eaten after consuming too much sugar
Too much sugar leaves unpleasant traces in the body. If you want to prevent stomach pain and inflammation, you should focus on the following foods.
Sometimes you end up with an extra piece of cake on your plate or you eat the whole bar of chocolate in one bite.
It's not ideal for your body, but it's important for your mental well-being – and it shouldn't demotivate you during your weight loss journey or distract you from your overall course: after all, no one is perfect. However, sugar bombs can have other negative symptoms, in addition to the guilt of conscience due to the large number of extra calories.
These consequences threaten after too much sugar
Stomach aches and stomach problems, as well as fatigue, headaches and even more hunger, can be some of the unpleasant consequences of too much sugar.
“If you eat a lot of sugar, your blood sugar levels become unbalanced, and a low level quickly follows. When this happens, the body usually immediately craves more simple carbohydrates – it's a vicious cycle,” says the nutritionist.
Combination of nutrients for blood sugar levels
To avoid this cycle, your next meal should be focused on stabilizing your blood sugar levels. That means: popular proteins, fiber, and healthy fats.
Because these three components slow down the rate at which nutrients enter the bloodstream. They also activate hormones that satisfy your appetite.
Ideally, these three nutrients can be obtained from plenty of protein-rich vegetables and sources of nutritious fats.
“I rely on pumpkin seeds, lentils, and avocados. Chickpeas and plant-based protein powders are also great,” the doctor said.
Water and fiber to fight food cravings
What else is good for the body: The combination of plenty of water and fiber. This can help get rid of that unpleasant feeling of bloating.
“The combination of fiber and water helps flush out your digestive system, which can reduce bloating,” explains the nutritionist. “It also keeps you feeling fuller for longer, which means you’re more in control of your eating habits the next day. Going shopping when you’re hungry and having to choose your groceries is not a good idea: you’ll end up with a lot of unhealthy items in your basket.”
That’s why it’s ideal to start your day with fiber-rich carbohydrates, such as whole grains. You should drink at least one and a half to two liters of water or unsweetened tea every day.
“Within a week, your digestive system should recalibrate with this healthy diet and stop craving unhealthy sweets.”
Anti-inflammatory foods
One of the main reasons why too much sugar makes you feel unwell is because it raises blood sugar levels, thereby increasing inflammation in the body.
“To mitigate the damage, your next meal should contain plenty of anti-inflammatory foods,” the doctor recommends.
Perfect for this:
- Cruciferous vegetables like kale, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower.
- Spices like turmeric and ginger.
- Omega-3-rich seeds like flaxseeds.
Or even better: you can specifically prevent sweet cravings by relying on sweet, anti-inflammatory berries. They are full of anti-inflammatory flavonoids and are perfect for satisfying your constant sweet cravings.
Green vegetables soothe the stomach
“Excessive sugar consumption can also lead to nausea and discomfort in the stomach area. Green bitter vegetables can be a great help.”
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