These traits of stable couples can save your relationship as well

Stable couples aren't the ones who just go with the flow, and they aren't the ones who believe that just being in a relationship means being happy. When a relationship is just beginning, it's easy to think that everything will always be rosy.

Stable couples and their 3 important traits

When relationships are taken for granted, when they are neglected or avoided problems, then things can start to deteriorate, the connection can be lost. A couple can become more like roommates, and that will be the beginning of the end.

Julie and John Gottman, relationship psychologists, have devoted decades to the study of couples. And they found that there are certain traits that can help protect relationshipsfrom destruction.

Stable couples have certain traits that protect relationships from destruction/Freepik photo

Stable couples support each other. You should think of a couple as a kind of team, where you constantly support each other and where, if one of you fails, has problems or difficulties, you can be sure that the other person will not let you down, leave and will leave alone.

All stable relationships have one thing in common: when one partner doesn't feel well, the other partner's world also suffers. A strong relationship is about accepting each other's troubled feelings, not denying them or trying to fight them, said John Gottman.

Support here is acknowledging and approving your partner's emotions, being there and looking for a way out together.< /p>

Relationships need to be worked on – if we really want stability and happiness/Freepik photo

Communication is a priority. No relationship can survive without communication, and it is important to talk not only about the good, but also about the bad – problems, anxieties, emotions, obstacles. Communication helps to identify the causes of problems and ways to solve them, helps to find out whether you are on the same wavelength, whether you are striving for the same goal, or whether you have common views on the most important issues.

If you do not talk about something unpleasant, it doesn't go away, it just gets bigger, says Julie Gottman.

When there's no communication, things can't move forward.

The couple doesn't stop working on the relationship. If you want your relationship to be long-lasting, happy, and strong over time, then it should be one of your priorities. It's about spending time together, sharing experiences, talking and listening.

Many people think that love is like a fairy tale. But this is just the beginning. A chemistry that starts to spark, then fades. In the long run, relationships live only on a constantly renewed decision to love each other, Julie Gottman concludes.

So the most important thing is to give more importance to the relationship than anything else.

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Author: alex

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