These unexpected signs indicate that your life is changing for the better
Humanity has not yet invented a device with which it would be possible to calculate what is coming and what changes are needed. However, there are certain indicators that will help you understand that you are on the right track.
Who among us doesn't want to be happy? Doesn't want to change their life to stop worrying and worrying, to find joy and happiness? But life itself won't change, no matter how much you dream about it. First, you will have to change your attitude towards both events and life. And to do this, you will have to honestly answer the questions about who you are today, what you want and where you are going.
We will warn you right away that the answers may confuse you, or even confuse you even more. But don't rush to escape back to your comfort zone. The good news is that your affairs are most likely going much better than you think.
As a rule, we simply do not notice the changes that are happening, but there are signals about what is happening, and they are not so difficult to track down. Which means making sure that we are doing everything right and moving towards our goals.
So, how do we know that something is changing and exactly the way we need it? It is very simple – things start to happen in your life that did not happen before or appeared extremely rarely.
You start to act strangely – do “crazy little things”
For example, you constantly meet someone at work. You greet each other with a slight nod of your head and do not show any special attention to each other. And then suddenly you have an irresistible desire to learn more about this person. And immediately and as soon as possible.
As a rule, we ignore such thoughts and immediately drive them away, because it looks quite strange in the eyes of other people. But not in our case. Now you are driven by some intuition, you just feel with your gut that you need to talk to this person. You just know for sure that you should do it, and you will do it.
It is not yet known what will happen next: perhaps you have a new friend at work, or perhaps this person will inspire you to do something or give you valuable advice that will radically change your whole life. The main thing is to be able to listen to your inner voice and trust your intuition.
After all, intuition is always with us. It whispers in our ear: “Stop, look, look around…”. But we are usually very busy and get distracted by external noise in order to hear, and most importantly, to believe. And if you suddenly, out of nowhere, start to “do strange things,” that is, do some crazy little things under the influence of an internal impulse, something special and important is happening. Even if you can’t explain it to yourself and don’t understand anything at all.
Your environment changes
At a certain point in your life, you suddenly feel disconnected from the people around you. Yesterday everything was fine, and today you are like in a desert, even in a crowd. You are lost and confused. After all, you have been friends with someone for years or even lived together, and now suddenly this happens! It hurts and is unpleasant.
However, what is happening should not scare you: you simply gradually move away from people you no longer like and move towards others – those you should meet. And this is necessary for something. Although today, you may not even understand what is happening.
The thing is that the best thing we can do to find happiness and harmony in life is to surround ourselves with the right people. And do it consciously. If you change your circle of friends, it means that your worldview, perception of life and your new role in it also changes.
For example, today I am surrounded by completely different people than, for example, a year ago. They fill my life with new meaning, they are a direct reflection of who I am today, what I like and what I don't, what I strive for and what I dream about. And these people feel me. And I feel them. They believe in me. They inspire and motivate me to want more, and not be satisfied with little. And most importantly, they teach me new things, they discover new things for me.
You laugh at your negative thoughts instead of trying to fix them.
There is no escape from negative thoughts: they are like annoying flies, constantly attacking from all sides. These are mind games that no one wants, but they create a kind of fog around us and deprive us of the ability to look beyond the horizon.
As a rule, before you tried unsuccessfully to drive them away, and it looked funny. It's like waving your hands to get rid of flies on a hot day. But if you find that recently you react to such thoughts in a completely different way – you just laugh, then this indicates that changes are coming. Something is changing, you are changing.
If in response to a rude joke you just laugh – it's still in the fools' shoes. You did it! You realized that our thoughts should not control us. We control them. And they live separately from us. They just fly in from time to time and buzz disgustingly above your ear. Keep laughing at them, and they will disappear.
You feel everything more vividly
If you think about it, grapefruit has always been surprisingly tasty. Nothing new happened to it. But why, you suddenly discover its taste for yourself, like something magical and unusual? You enjoy every drop of juice, feel every fiber with your tongue…
The whole thing is that most people live as if in a dream. Practically unaware of what and how is happening around them. Like workers, they go to work. They have dinner, exchange a few words with their relatives and fall asleep. And so on – day after day. A kind of endless “groundhog day”.
If you feel how gently the warm sunbeam touches your face when you go outside, the indescribable taste of a peach or vegetable stew made from the first spring vegetables, the play of your muscles after a workout, then you are no longer living “in a dream”. You have woken up to rejoice and enjoy life with every cell of your being.
You breathe life to the fullest and do not take it so seriously
In the end, everything passes, and after the rain – a rainbow appears.
Someone may disagree: “But if everything were that simple, we would fly through life surrounded by unicorns and colorful flowers. What about problems? What about failures and illnesses? What about the chaos that reigns around us?” they will object to me.
Our life is a struggle. A struggle with obstacles, problems, failures. But it is impossible to fight all the time. It is impossible to constantly think only about your career, an unpaid mortgage, a strict boss, or what you don’t have. After all, this will not solve your problems. But you will miss the wonderful and magical things in life. You will not notice, you will pass by.
Yes, it is important to focus on your work, your tasks and goals, on self-improvement and acquiring new skills and useful habits. But it is important to be able to relax. Enjoy your time on Earth and in life, which is truly beautiful. Enjoy, realizing that you are imperfect in something, but at the same time you know how to do many things that others cannot.
Sometimes it is so important to be able to stop in the middle of this pursuit of success and look around. Life is here and now.
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