They can be replaced: products that shorten life are named
Frequent consumption of red meat and processed meat products is associated with health problems.
Increasing the amount of these products in the diet leads to a 10% increase in the risk of early death, reports CNN, citing the work of scientists from the Harvard T.H. Chan.
“The evidence suggests that replacing red meat with other sources of protein, such as poultry, fish, nuts, legumes and whole grains, and even vegetables, may reduce the risk of premature death,” said Professor Frank Hu, senior author of the study.
A diet rich in whole grains, vegetables or other sources of protein was associated with a reduced risk of death over an eight-year period.
“When people reduce their intake of red meat and eat other protein foods, as well as plant-based foods, they have a lower risk of death from all causes and cardiovascular disease in particular,” said Professor Frank Hu, senior author of the study.
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