They liked to “swing”: what nicknames were given to connoisseurs of pubs and inns

These Ukrainians were frequent visitors to the ham and tavern.

Interesting information about the origin of Ukrainian surnames can be found in the book “Modern Ukrainian Surnames” by Yury Redko. The author reveals the origin of many surnames, in particular those associated with a preference for alcoholic beverages.

Among Ukrainian surnames there are many that indicate a love of drinking. For example, the surname Nalizko comes from the verb “to lick”, which means to get drunk. It is interesting that the prefix “na-” is often found in surnames formed from verbs.

The surnames Kramaruk and Kramarchuk may indicate that the ancestors of their bearers traded alcohol. A person who sold vodka and other alcoholic beverages was called an innkeeper or an innkeeper. The surnames Shynkar, Shynkaruk and Shynkaryuk were formed from these words. The latter is a phonetic variant of the former.

It is worth noting that similar surnames could be given not only to those who sold alcohol, but also to those who actively consumed it. These include the surnames Tsydybraga, Nalivayko, Okovytyy, Piyako and Nepiypyvo. Each of them has its own interesting story.

The name Tsidibrag probably comes from the habit of “straining” alcohol, that is, drinking it slowly while savoring it. Pouring can indicate a person who liked to “pour” for himself or others. Okovityy is an old name for vodka, so the bearers of this surname could have been fans of this drink. The surname Piyako speaks for itself – its bearer most likely liked to drink.

This is a vivid example of how folk creativity and observation were reflected in surnames. They not only indicate certain habits or preferences, but also preserve a part of the history and culture of the Ukrainian people.

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Author: alex

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