They named the culinary life hacks that will make the perfect soup or broth
It would seem that there is nothing difficult in preparing such a simple dish as soup. However, there are many ways to improve it. Check out these cooking tricks.
If you've ever made meat stock, you're probably familiar with the annoying foam that appears during the boiling process. Many housewives forget to remove it at the end of cooking. There is nothing terrible in this and such a trifle will not harm the taste of the dish. But it is better to pour a glass of water into the pan before adding the broth. So the foam will rise from the bottom, and you can easily remove it.
This tip also applies to making meat stock. If you are not satisfied with its transparency, put an eggshell in it during cooking. But be sure to wash it thoroughly beforehand. Don't forget to strain the broth afterwards. And if there is a need to add color to the dish, a decoction of onion peel will do a great job with it.
Did you know that chicken broth does not tolerate any spices? Due to the addition of various enhancers, the dish simply loses its taste. Instead of various spices, add chopped onions or carrots to the chicken broth. This way, the dish will retain its taste.
Another secret of delicious chicken broth is related to its preparation from an old chicken. In order for it to cook faster, you need to place it in a pot of cold water for 5 minutes. It is better to do this after 20-30 minutes of cooking.
Do not forget to remove the bay leaf from the soup after cooking. It is an ideal tool for adding interesting notes to the taste of a dish, but if it remains in the soup after cooking, it will only spoil it.
To positively affect the taste of any soup, add some fresh chanterelles to it. Do not forget to process and cook them beforehand. Chanterelles should be finely chopped, or better crumbled, and then added to the dish. This will make your soup even tastier.
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