Things men look for in women: this is important to know

Our beautiful and unique ladies, if you think that all men are ignorant and primitive, you are very wrong. This especially applies to what they pay attention to in women. Therefore, while you think that you have passed completely “unnoticed” by a representative of the stronger sex, millions of thoughts and conclusions are already running through his head.

Men actually notice many more things than you think. That is why it is so important to know and understand what men pay attention to first of all when making a decision, whether he likes you and whether he wants to be near you.

So, to avoid unnecessary words, let's get to the point. . We suggest you familiarize yourself with and remember what men pay attention to in women first of all.

Facial Expression

Sometimes the face “writes” much more than you can say. And if the man saw that you are not against getting to know each other and really want to be together, the man will definitely read this message.

He is watching you very carefully, and, we think, it will not be difficult for you to look “right and convincingly”. Therefore, if you walk around dissatisfied, expecting that a man is obliged to examine your deep inner world behind such a “facade”, nothing will work.

Men pay attention to facial expressions, even if they don't show you.

What color prevails in clothes

Colors. You have no idea how much colors can tell about each of you! About what you think, feel or why you wore this fiery red dress today.

When a man sees that you came today in bright and sunny clothes with a cute floral pattern, he already imagines what kind of your mood and what you can count on.

Well, if he sees a lady in black and with neatly combed hair, this is already a message that you are more serious and focused today than usual. He reads your “color scheme” like a book, drawing the appropriate conclusions.

Your musical tastes and preferences

Music. Even if you have no hearing and don't play the piano, information about musical preferences is very informative. Well, if you really like music – even more than exhaustive.

Agree that there is a big difference when a girl listens to heavy rock and when she cannot live without classical music. So always be alert: men are watching closely what you listen to.

Your language and manner of writing

The way we communicate with other people, can tell a lot. And the way we write messages — too. If you think that a small emoticon or a heart in a message doesn't say anything about you, then you are very wrong.

A man pays attention to your style and manner of writing. It's important to him, don't forget!

Your choice of drinks

Are you a beer lover or a “cocktail” girl? Like red wine with pork steak Can't fall asleep until you drink something “soothing” or do you only drink alcohol on special occasions?

Your “alcoholic” habits and preferences will not go unnoticed, believe me. Therefore, when ordering a drink, be careful: you are closely watched! Most likely, the man will not show, but he will definitely remember the information and draw certain conclusions.

He pays such close attention to the choice of drinks, because he knows that this information can be useful to him in in the future.

Your manner of dressing

Want it – believe it, want it – not, but a lot of men notice what and how you dress For them, it is an opportunity to learn more about you as a person.

Surprised? It is believed that only women understand clothes and follow fashion. But it is not so. Men are also well versed in this and definitely pay attention to it.

It is not that you should dress according to the latest fashion and change your outfit like gloves every day. A man makes a conclusion about you based on your preferences in clothes. After all, clothes are an extension of our personality.

Your food preferences

Men always pay attention to what dishes you order in a restaurant He should know who he is dealing with! You might unsuspectingly order a steak because it looks like the tastiest dish on the menu. Meanwhile, the man will conclude that you are a strong and passionate woman.

When you order only salads, he understands that in front of him is a person who prefers healthy food, and therefore a healthy lifestyle.< /p>

Taste preferences can tell a lot about a person's lifestyle and priorities. Much more than you imagine. Therefore, when ordering food in a restaurant, do not forget that you are being watched!

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Author: alex

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