This blood type increases the risk of developing diabetes
It turns out that the probability of developing type 2 diabetes depends not only from such risk factors as overweight and a sedentary lifestyle. There are also blood groups that increase the likelihood of developing this disease.
Scientists of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claim that in the case of prediabetes, that is, a pathological condition in which the level of sugar in the blood is elevated, but not yet sufficient for diagnosis of full-fledged diabetes, the development of this serious disease can be slowed down or completely canceled due to certain changes in lifestyle. First of all, this is a correction of nutrition in the direction of calorie reduction and intensive physical activity. But there are other factors that we cannot influence. They increase the risk of diabetes.
And it is not only about heredity. The study showed that people with all blood types except the first are prone to a higher risk of developing diabetes. The results of this work were once published in the journal Diabetologia. In particular, the authors of the study proved that if a person has any type of blood except the first, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes is higher.
These conclusions were made in the course of a study involving more than 80,000 women. 3,553 of them were later diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and owners of all blood types except for the first type suffered from it more often. Owners of the third blood group had the highest risk – it exceeded the similar risk by 21% compared to those who had the first blood group. In women with the second blood group, the probability of developing type 2 diabetes was 10% higher.
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