This bud stimulator should be in the arsenal of all flower growers, not just orchid owners.
When talking about orchids, a direct association immediately arises with the necessary pots, substrate, and fertilizers. Orchid owners know very well what will help the plant feel and look better. In addition, encourage flowering.
What plants need
You have heard about this remedy more than once. We are talking about cytokinin paste. It is the miracle cure. It is also called budding. It helps to increase the number of flower stalks not only in orchids, but also in:
- violets;
- aglaonema;
- dieffenbachia;
- ficus.
After all, this paste also has a positive effect on many other plants. You need to grease the buds with it. Believe me, every plant has those that are sleeping. You can stir them up. There will be new flower stalks, new shoots, and the formation of new children.
First, the plant must be thoroughly washed, bathed, in other words. And then apply the paste. This way it will work much better.
Read also:
What to do to make anthurium bloom
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