This habit in the shower can lead to a heart attack
It turns out that from the way we we behave in the shower, the risk of a heart attack depends. In particular, taking a contrast shower is a serious burden on the entire cardiovascular system.
Heart attacks occur when the heart muscle loses blood flow.
Coronary arteries can be blocked suddenly, or this narrowing can develop gradually. Reducing the flow of oxygen to the heart entails fatal consequences. There are a number of risk factors that lead to heart attacks, such as age, heredity, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, etc. In addition to these factors, certain lifestyle habits can cause a sudden strain on the heart, which can lead to a heart attack.
Taking a shower refers to such sudden shocks. If, without any preparation, we suddenly overcome ourselves with cold water, the load on the cardiovascular system will increase dramatically. It is especially dangerous to take such a contrast shower for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system, which they do not even know about.
A cold shower can provoke a heart attack or cause severe arrhythmia. Ice water is a shock to the body, because it causes a sharp narrowing of blood vessels. This disrupts the flow of blood, and to compensate, the heart begins to contract much faster. Blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels increases.
Even a healthy, athletic and young person can become a victim of a heart attack due to vasoconstriction or narrowing of blood vessels. The same can happen if you jump from hot water immediately into cold water, which is often done by visitors to baths and saunas. Yes, a contrast shower is good for health, but you need to get used to it gradually, and the sharp effect of cold is deadly for an organism that is not used to it.
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