This hearty breakfast for diabetes helps normalize blood sugar levels

A proper breakfast is the key to normalizing blood sugar, experts from Diabetes UK (Great Britain) state. At the same time, they say, the first meal can be dense, very filling and tasty.

In the morning, the level of glucose in the blood is most often the highest, but British doctors note that people suffering from diabetes do not have to be sure to “obsess over a few spoonfuls of porridge” for breakfast. They offer a recipe for a dense hearty breakfast that helps normalize blood sugar levels and reduce the need for insulin. One of the main dishes in it is boiled eggs.

“An excellent addition to breakfast, approved by the world diabetes community, is scrambled eggs. Just like in the classic version, you can add some juicy tomatoes and a handful of mushrooms to it, but instead of sausage – pepper, and instead of bacon – fresh leaf spinach,” advises Diabetes UK.

Experts of the organization refer to the results of a study conducted by the University of Eastern Finland. Its authors studied the effect of eating eggs for breakfast, analyzing the data of 2,332 participants aged 42 to 60 years. It was found that those who ate four eggs a week had lower blood glucose levels than those who ate fewer eggs. The researchers summarized that chicken eggs “contain several useful nutrients that can affect glucose metabolism and contribute to its normalization”.

In addition, doctors do not object to the use of cheese by diabetics. They explain that the product has a low glycemic index (GI). This means that after eating a slice of cheese, blood sugar will rise slowly, without sharp jumps.

“People with diabetes can safely eat cheese as part of a balanced diet. The best choice for them is cheeses with the lowest salt content, for example, mozzarella, Emmental,” experts shared.

Thus, a fairly dense breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs with peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach and a piece of cheese, can be a good start to the day for people with diabetes, they concluded. Such a breakfast will help control the level of glucose in the blood.

Doctors have reminded that poorly controlled diabetes contributes to the development of complications by damaging blood vessels and nerves.

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Author: alex

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