This life hack will help to always keep the comb clean, and without washing
It is very difficult to clean the comb from hair, dust and sebum. But this simple method will help prevent the problem.
Let's be honest, no matter how often you wash the massage comb, at least minimal dirt remains on it: particles of dandruff, sebum and small hairs.
As soon as girls do not try to bring the comb back to its original state! Everything from trying to pull out the stuck elements with a needle to long soaking and disinfection.
Maybe some methods really help in cleaning. But they require titanic efforts and a lot of time. We offer you to solve the problem with a much faster and simpler option, which has already been liked by a huge number of girls on social networks. Just try wearing… pantyhose over your comb!
Yes, yes, you read that correctly Take thin nylon tights that you no longer wear and cut a small piece of material that fits the size of the comb. Thanks to its permeable texture, nylon will easily pass through the teeth of most combs and protect the base from dirt.
All you have to do is change one nylon pad to another from time to time. Before doing this, you can apply alcohol or cleaning lotion to the fabric to additionally clean the base of the comb bristles when removing the kapron.
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