This lifestyle will protect women from diabetes
Researchers found that even in the presence of gestational diabetes women can protect themselves from another form of this disease in the future during a healthy lifestyle. It includes proper nutrition, quitting smoking, sports and fighting excess weight.
Gestational diabetes is a disease that affects a significant number of pregnant women. After childbirth, the symptoms of diabetes in women, as a rule, disappear, but these representatives of the fair sex have an increased risk of further development of type 2 diabetes. And now, scientists from the University of Washington found that this risk can be significantly reduced if women who have suffered gestational diabetes follow 5 basic principles of a healthy lifestyle.
These include a healthy weight, proper nutrition, and regular physical activity. , moderate alcohol consumption and smoking cessation. By following all these 5 points, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes is reduced by 90%, compared to women who did not follow at least one of these rules. It is well known that a healthy lifestyle in itself is associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes in generally healthy middle-aged people.
However, less is known about whether this also applies to women from high history of gestational diabetes risk, and whether obesity or genetic risk for type 2 diabetes influences this association. Now it has been proven that even those who suffered gestational diabetes and have a genetic probability of developing type 2 diabetes, women are still almost completely protected from it by maintaining a healthy image.
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