This product prevents lung, prostate and skin cancer
Cancer is a deadly disease that can affect any cell in the body, but adequate changes can reduce a person's risk.
The five most common types of cancer are breast, lung, bowel, prostate and skin cancer. According to data and forecasts, one in two people born today will develop cancer during their lifetime. However, there are several readily available ways that people can reduce their risk of the world's second-deadliest disease.
One of these methods is to make smart changes to your diet by eating a balanced diet consisting of fruits and vegetables. vegetables As with medicine, some of these vegetables are more effective than others in terms of their protective properties.
“According to several studies, watercress is one of them. The reason for this is that it is high in phytochemicals such as isothiocyanates. They can protect against cancer by protecting healthy cells from damage and blocking the growth of tumors. Only substances found in watercress were found to be active against certain carcinogenic compounds.
Study provides new insight into CRC therapy using ITC-enriched Brassicaceae extracts, especially watercress extract, to target on CSCs and circulating tumor cells by impairing cell proliferation, ALDH1-mediated chemoresistance, anoiki evasion.
Overall, watercress and its compounds were found to help reduce the risk of lung cancer, prostate gland and skin.
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