This product will protect liver health

Tens of thousands of Ukrainians suffer from fatty liver disease, a dangerous liver disease. Using this particular food product will help reverse the symptoms of the disease.

The number of cases of fatty liver disease and related deaths in Ukraine is constantly increasing. This disease is most often caused by alcohol abuse and obesity. Fatty liver disease itself is not life-threatening, but it is a precursor to such incurable diseases as cirrhosis and liver cancer. To reduce the likelihood of contracting this disease, a person needs to make several healthy changes to their diet. First of all, you should pay attention to the consumption of fatty foods.

Review your diet if it consists of a large amount of butter, margarine, mayonnaise and similar products. Try using their alternatives that have a low fat content, for example, olive oil. This is generally the best food for those who want to protect themselves from fatty hepatosis or reverse the symptoms of a dangerous disease. The fact is that this vegetable oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which makes it much more useful for cooking than butter. These fatty acids, as studies show, reduce body mass index and the amount of lipids in serum.

In a small study involving 11 patients, it was found that dietary supplements with olive oil significantly reduced the level of liver enzymes and triglycerides, increasing adiponectin levels, which indicated additional protection of the liver from hepatosis. It may be recalled that olive oil is generally considered a key ingredient in the healthiest Mediterranean diet.

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Author: alex

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