Thoughts and actions that repel success and bring failure into your life
The actions we do, in one way or another, affect our lives. Some change us for the better, others affect our health, others push others away from us, etc.
But some thoughts and actions “scare away” luck from us. In such situations, a person complains about the “law of meanness” without realizing that he is the only one to blame for all his problems.
In fact, literally everything in this life depends on our thoughts and actions. Even an unspoken thought is a message to the cosmos, after which the universe returns to us in a triple measure. Positive good thoughts respond to a good mood, luck and success in business, while pessimism, negativity and ingratitude make us losers.
It's all about psychology
The psychology of a successful person is radically opposite to the psychology of a loser. The laws of life constantly confirm that a person who does not believe in success will never catch luck by the tail.
So that luck does not leave you, it is important to learn to monitor your thoughts and actions. You can't repeat to yourself: “I'm a failure!”, “What can I do to succeed?”, “I'm not the son of rich parents, so I can't please anyone!”. If you give up without even trying, you will never succeed! Someone else, more courageous and someone who believes in luck, will take up the matter. And all you have to do is grieve and complain about fate.
A successful person would never do that. She will try all the options that help to achieve what she wants, she will start working on herself, she will surround herself with those who will motivate her, and she will definitely achieve what she wants!
10 negative attitudes that deprive us of luck
Read interesting information and be sure to draw the right conclusions. Maybe it's time to listen to yourself in order to give up once and for all the thoughts and actions that bring failure into your life.
Communicating with losers
This advice may sound a little selfish, but to stop being afraid of success, you need to protect yourself from failure. There is no need to completely cut off communication, it is enough to reduce it to a minimum and not absorb the negativity that these people spread to you.
You should be surrounded by successful people who do not whine and do not expect handouts from life, but look for opportunities and encourage each other. Together with such people, you will imperceptibly begin to grow, develop, becoming better and more successful.
Insecurity in your own abilities
Lack of confidence in your own abilities does not increase your chances of success, on the contrary, it deprives you of hope for a happy future. Why constantly tell yourself that you will not succeed in anything, why constantly complain about the lack of strength, experience, money?
All opportunities are in your hands: to gain new knowledge, gain experience, become better, richer, more successful. You just need to discard the fears that bind the body and take a step forward! And let there be mistakes and failures on this path. With faith in victory, you will be able to overcome any obstacles. The words “What is not done is for the better” should guide you through life. Then success will not elude you.
Disliked job
Have you paid attention to people who complain that they have to go to an uninteresting job every day? Moreover, their complaints continue from year to year, sometimes for decades! And during all this time, people make no effort to change the situation! This is even more surprising when you think that we only have one life. Do these unfortunate people want to spend it like this, in negativity and constant complaints?
Maybe money keeps a person at a job he doesn't like, but more often he gets crumbs, and continues to go to work day after day only because he is afraid of being fired. She does not believe in herself and is frightened by the unknown. She is afraid that she will not find herself in this life and will become completely impoverished. In fact, there may not be any prerequisites for this, a person may be a great specialist, but his disbelief in his own strength spoils everything, making him an unhappy person on Earth!
Infinite complaints
Troubles can happen to everyone. As the saying goes: “Only the one who does nothing makes no mistakes.” But should we complain and whine, blaming everyone around us for our failures? To begin with, realize that failures are a normal part of any development path, and therefore you should not dwell on them. Better think about what your failures say and what experience you can get from this situation.
Understand that complaining about the people around you or fate will not solve anything. You can change anything only with actions, so try to take control of yourself and start doing things that will bring you closer to success. This will attract luck to you, and you will not notice how you will become a happy person.
It is surprising, but many people around us are born with the idea that everyone around them owes them. Parents, the state, and even luck must not leave them. In fact, this is not the case. Your parents gave you the most valuable thing – life. Be grateful to them for this! The state gives you opportunities, use them! No one is obligated to provide for you and make your life a fairy tale.
Don't have an apartment or a car? But you have the opportunity to work and earn to make your dream come true. Nothing will fall from the sky, nothing will reach you, just like that. Even in order to win a cherished prize in the lottery, you need to constantly play, buy tickets, and have unlimited faith in your luck. So learn to be grateful for what you have. And stop being jealous of those who have more of this good than you. As they say, the grass is greener at the neighbor's.
Overestimation of one's own strengths
Lack of self-belief is definitely a bad help on the way to success, but excessive arrogance does not promise you anything good either. If you blindly believe in your abilities and think that you will get everything you dreamed of the first time, get ready for disappointment. Do not expect that you will succeed in everything at once. Your self-confidence can play a cruel trick and derail you when you face your first real obstacle.
Understand, the path to success is difficult and thorny. You need to be patient, learn and not be lazy to learn, face obstacles and not lose heart. Only in this way, step by step, constantly improving and overcoming obstacles, you will come to what you dream of. Be objective about yourself and everything will work out for you.
Fear of difficulties
We have already mentioned that internal fears prevent a person from developing and achieving success. This is a lack of self-belief and fear of the unknown. Only Lady Fortune does not like the timid and indecisive. She favors only the stubborn and selfless, those who are not lazy and are not afraid to try, even at the risk of losing.
Your success also lies in overcoming your own fears. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and don't pay attention to what others say. Do not be lazy and do not be afraid, fight for your place under the Sun and success will surely come.
Weaknesses and vices
Everyone has bad habits and weaknesses. It's just that some people succumb to their own weaknesses and indulge them, while others find the strength to overcome their own flaws. The fact is that in addition to weaknesses, you have a set of strong qualities that make you better and lead to success. And each person invests in what he really wants from life.
Therefore, if you are constantly haunted by failures, think about what flaws you have and what qualities you could develop in yourself. Tame your own weaknesses and start working on yourself, promoting your own talents. Of course, it will be difficult at the first stage, because harmful passions will drag you down, cool you down and relax you. But if you show willpower and overcome yourself, in the future, working on yourself will bring you real pleasure.
By shifting your responsibility to others, you distance yourself from a happy future. Just realize that you are responsible for yourself and your life, for your successes and your failures. Many people are afraid to take responsibility, avoid it and try to transfer it to others. This manifests human fears, inability to act independently and unwillingness to take responsibility for one's actions.
In fact, it prevents you from becoming happy. If the people around you see you as a person who cannot be relied on. They see someone who avoids problems rather than solving them. Realize this and learn to take responsibility for yourself and others. Then success will not make you wait long.
Neglecting intuition
Intuition is a valuable skill that in no case cannot be ignored. When your heart tells you that you should act this way and not otherwise, you should trust it. Life shows that luck loves those who trust their inner voice and act on its call.
Of course, not every person knows how to listen to the voice of their heart. You need to learn this and act according to his instructions. And even if you make mistakes along the way, don't give up. Having mastered such a gift, you will definitely make friends with luck!
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