Three affordable remedies to improve circulation (and why you need it)

Vitamin B3, capsaicin and curucmin are three available means that improve blood circulation in the body. Doctors remind: poor blood flow contributes to the development of many health complications.

According to the data, active blood flow is necessary to provide oxygen and vital nutrients to the cells, tissues and organs of the human body.

“Insufficient blood circulation contributes to digestive problems, swelling, muscle spasms and joint pain, erectile dysfunction, dizziness and cognitive problems, poor skin condition,” the portal's experts warn.

How to understand that blood circulation is bad. One of the common signs of sluggish blood flow is a bloated stomach.

In addition, you may have swollen legs, ankles, or feet. In addition, numbness, tingling, and coldness are felt in the hands and feet.

Skin damage takes longer to heal, and it itself becomes more pale or bluish.

People with poor blood circulation also suffer from a lack of energy, fatigue.

What improves blood circulation: three available remedies. Experts emphasize that before starting to take any remedies, it is recommended to talk to a therapist to make sure they are safe with taking into account the individual characteristics of the lifestyle. It is also necessary to take into account the possible side effects of these substances.

Niacin (vitamin B3). The maximum limit of supplements with it is 35 mg per day. Niacin helps improve blood flow in several ways: it specifically improves the conduction of blood vessels and arteries, lowering bad cholesterol, reducing inflammation of vascular tissue.

Capsaicin. Found in chili and cayenne peppers peppers, it is also available in supplement form. Thanks to its intake, the degree of damage by free radicals and inflammation decreases, which significantly improves the condition of the vascular system. Also, this remedy has the ability to lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol.

Curcumin. This phenol (antioxidant) is present in turmeric. According to a study by scientists from the University of Boulder, the consumption of curcumin improves the functioning of blood vessels and, with it, blood circulation throughout the body.

Liquid consumption, regular exercise, and light massage also help improve blood flow, the researchers additionally reported.< /p>

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Author: alex

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