Three changes are the most common signs of Alzheimer's disease

Most often, three changes occur in a person with Alzheimer's disease, and one of them is memory loss.

According to the National Institute on Aging (NIA), “one of the most common symptoms of Alzheimer's disease is memory problems.”

Memory disorders.Not all people remember information that is new to them the first time, but they do remember it when they repeat it. In Alzheimer's disease, such memorization of new information does not occur, despite repeated repetitions. Scientists emphasize that if changes in a person's memory begin to negatively affect his daily life, this may well be a symptom of any form of dementia.

“Forgetting recently acquired information is one of the most common signs of Alzheimer's disease, especially in the early stages. Other memory disorders inherent to it can mean that a person forgets important dates or events, constantly asks about the same thing,” experts state.

Confusion of consciousness. Experts from the Alzheimer's Association (Alzheimer's Association) explain that people with Alzheimer's disease have problems understanding anything if it is not happening in the present moment. Such a change is also considered one of the most common signs of a brain-destroying disease. The affected person stops making sense of the concepts of the past and the present.

Loss of experience. Another signal of the disease is difficulty in performing tasks that have been performed for a long time. A person forgets how and what to do, losing memory of his past experience and skills. For example, he can forget the route to the destination that he has used for many years, he cannot perform routine, life-sustaining actions, work duties.

All of the listed changes are the result of damage to brain cells by abnormal proteins.< /p>

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Author: alex

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