Three changes that help you eat less sweets

To eat less sweet, include more in your diet protein is one of the lifestyle changes that help improve sugar control.

Craving for sweets can become a daily habit, but this cannot be allowed – regular consumption of products containing sugar is associated with the development of a number of disorders in the body, harms blood vessels, pancreas, and liver. To eat less sweets, nutritionists recommend making three changes to your daily lifestyle.

Avoid foods and drinks with artificial sweeteners.Such products, according to experts, often contain signs that they are fat-free or low-calorie. Its composition almost always contains sweeteners, artificial flavorings and additives, the absorption of which increases the risk of metabolic disorders and may make you want “something sweet” even more.

Replace white sugar with a reasonable alternative. Take a portion of cheese or natural yogurt, add pieces of fruit or berries – this will give a pleasant sensation of sweet taste, but the level of glucose in the blood will not rise as sharply and rapidly as it happens when eating sweets.

Also good natural sweeteners there is vanilla extract and cinnamon, which can be added to coffee or smoothies without resorting to white sugar.

Change your diet. The desire to eat sweets increases when a lot of nutrient-poor foods are consumed consisting only of simple carbohydrates and saturated fatty acids. In order to reduce the craving for sweets, the diet should include more foods rich in protein and fiber – they satiate for a long time, prevent sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels, which provoke an increase in appetite, including everything sweet.

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Author: alex

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