Three common habits that destroy the liver without any alcohol
The condition of the most important filter organ of the human body – the liver – can deteriorate not only due to the large amount of consumed alcoholic beverages.
Our liver controls the hormonal balance, regulates the metabolism of proteins, fats and sugar, accumulates vitamins, removes toxins – thus, the healthy state of this the organ is simply vital. Many people know that alcohol abuse harms the liver, but it is not only this habit that can cause its pathological conditions.
“Although uncontrolled alcohol consumption really destroys the integrity of liver tissue, some habits, even without any alcohol, can contribute to cirrhosis of the liver or its obesity, which increases the risk of fibrosis, cirrhosis and cancer”.
Experts named three common habits that destroy the liver has nothing to do with alcoholism.
Love of fruit.People often pay close attention to their fat intake and pay very little attention to the fructose content of their diet. Meanwhile, various studies show that fruit sugar (fructose) increases the risk of fatty liver when consumed in large quantities. In this regard, the habit of snacking on fruit from time to time is no less harmful than drinking soda water.
Medications. All medications we take are broken down by the liver. The habit of self-administered medication without consulting a doctor, the desire to take something “for prevention” destroys the liver and without any alcohol. If you use the medicine and notice such symptoms as fatigue, loss of appetite, discomfort in the upper abdomen, it is necessary to discuss this with a medical professional.
Inactivity. Lack of movement. and physical exertion contribute to the fact that excess fat in the body is deposited not only under the skin, but also around internal organs, including the liver. Among other things, adipose tissue secretes substances that act as mediators of inflammation. Thus, in addition to obesity of the liver, there may be deeper pathological changes in its tissues – for example, scarring.
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