Three conditions for an ideal bed for winter garlic
It's time to prepare beds for winter garlic. Everyone is trying to make it, but rushing will not work. You need to pay close attention to the preparation. How successful the harvest will be depends on this. Experts have named three criteria for an ideal bed.
Soil requirements
The soil under garlic should be nutritious, but this does not mean that it needs to be covered with manure. Garlic grows well in soil with neutral or low acidity. The bed should be dug up 2 weeks before planting garlic.
Since it is not recommended to use manure, replace the following ideas for fertilizer with a bucket of compost, as well as 2 tbsp. potassium sulfate, 2 tbsp. double superphosphate. This is the amount per 1 sq. m. You can also sprinkle with ash if the acidity of the soil allows it. It is used instead of mineral fertilizers.
Crop rotation
You must always follow the rules of crop rotation. A winter bed for garlic can be prepared where strawberries, cabbage, tomatoes, eggplants or pumpkins have grown before. But you should not plant garlic after carrots, potatoes, onions and beets.
Location of the bed
For winter garlic, the bed should be sunny, facing north to south. The recommended bed height is 20 cm. If planted at lower levels, there may be waterlogging in the spring. The potential crop will rot.
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