Three effective ways to encourage an orchid to bloom

An orchid requires a lot of attention. And it doesn't always want to bloom on its own. Care, feeding, and comfortable growing conditions are essential for effective cultivation. If all the plant's requirements for soil, watering, temperature, and placement are met, but it doesn't want to bloom, there are several ways to encourage it to do so.


Yes, an orchid needs to be created under stressful conditions. Leave it without watering, but don't abuse it. Let's say you normally water your plant once a week. So, stop watering it for two weeks. This little stress will give you an incentive to bloom.

Change of location

Try moving the flower to another location. Change the room where the air is cooler than the usual location. This is also partly a godsend for the orchid.

Watering and darkness

Water the plant and wait until all the water drains. After that, move the plant to a dark place for 2 weeks. Then water and put it in a bright place. This alternation of light regimes also effectively stimulates the orchid to bloom.

Read also:

Tincture for the growth and flowering of orchids from what everyone usually throws away

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Author: alex

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