Three foods that make a person more stupid
Regular use of some products that until recently were considered useful can cause serious brain damage and impair a person's mental abilities. Doctors recommend practically giving up such food in order to minimize its negative impact.
Tuna is in first place. This fish is considered useful, but it is absolutely impossible to eat a lot of it because of the high mercury content. The danger of this substance is that it is removed from the body for a very long time and has a destructive effect on it. Scientists noticed that the amount of mercury in the body directly affects a person's mental abilities.
Almost all food that is deep-fried took second place. Its danger lies in the large amount of fats, which provoke the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the brain. Of course, they do not pass without a trace and seriously disrupt biological processes.
Almost all sweet drinks have a similar effect. With their help, you can slightly increase performance, but this will cost additional brain problems.
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