Three health problems that will arise from eating pickles
Due to the large amount of salt, pickled foods can be stored for quite a long time. But such a snack can be harmful to health.
Gherkins contain a lot of nitrites. And with regular use of such pickles, this will definitely affect your health. Here are the consequences.
Deterioration of the condition of blood vessels. Since pickles contain a lot of salt, they also contain a lot of sodium. As a result, a person may experience an imbalance of potassium and sodium, which will lead to a delay in sodium and water elements in the body. The vessels will begin to lose elasticity, blood pressure may increase, blood vessels may become fragile, the risk of their rupture may increase, and blood flow may slow down. A person may develop heart disease and cerebrovascular diseases because of this.
Deterioration of kidney function. After pickles, many people start drinking more water. This increases the load on the kidneys. As a result, a person may develop proteinuria, edema, kidney inflammation, or kidney failure.
Poor stomach function. With prolonged use of pickles, the protective layer of the gastric mucosa is damaged. And this can easily turn into chronic inflammation. The possibility of developing diseases such as gastritis, peptic ulcer, stomach cancer, etc. also increases.
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