Three health tips for women over 50
Intestinal health begins to play an especially important role for women over 50 years old – scientists advise to remember this.
Specialists of the biotechnology company BIOMES studied the intestinal bacteria of 2,000 people over the age of 50 – their intestinal microbiome. compared with diet and lifestyle.
Experts state that the bacterial composition of the intestines changes with age: people 50 years and older not only have fewer intestinal bacteria in general, but also less diverse bacterial strains.
According to experts, if the harmful and beneficial bacteria in the intestines are not balanced, inflammation can increase, which increases the risk of permeability of the intestinal wall. This, in turn, contributes to diseases and the typical processes of aging – the weakening of the immune system, the destruction of muscles and cognitive abilities.
That is why experts advise to strengthen health after the age of 50, striving for a strong, well-functioning intestinal flora.
Eat correctly. It is useful for women over 50 to eat according to the Mediterranean diet, based on a large number of fruits and vegetables, as well as fresh greens, high-quality oils, eating fish and moderate eating of meat.
Nuts and fermented foods like sauerkraut or kefir are also good for promoting gut health at this age.
Stay active. Scientific studies show that smoking and not exercising sports make people age especially quickly. Thus, there should be at least one long walk per day. Another advice of scientists for women over 50 years old is to practice such types of loads as balance and flexibility exercises. It is equally important to sleep seven to eight hours a day.
Maintain your contacts. Sincere laughter, which occurs in conversation with other people, causes an increase in the level of neurotransmitters in the body, the so-called hormones of happiness.
At the same time, as scientific studies have shown, the indicator of bacterial diversity in the intestinal microbiome improves. Scientists believe that human contacts, close and trusting relationships have an extremely positive effect on the intestinal microbiota. They advise to keep in touch with loved ones at least with the help of video calls.
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