Three main reasons for the development of obesity and why it is so dangerous

Doctors call obesity the disease of our century. A third of people on the planet are overweight, adolescent and childhood obesity is increasingly common. What is the reason and why a normal weight is so important for health is in our material.

Three main causes of obesity and why it is so dangerous

According to research, a third of people in the world are overweight. Most of these people live in Eurasia and North America. Among people over 40 years old, the share of obese patients reaches 40% in developed countries. This is the average indicator for all age groups.

According to nutritionists, there are three main reasons for the development of obesity. These are endocrine diseases, including diabetes, a sedentary lifestyle and eating high-calorie foods. The saddest thing is that often all three of these factors occur simultaneously in obese patients.

Excess weight in itself is a provocateur for endocrine disorders, and a large number of calories, especially fast carbohydrates, together with low physical activity, is a direct road to diabetes. Excess weight increases the load on the heart, the musculoskeletal system and blood vessels suffer. Added to this are problems with the digestive organs, endocrine disorders, and inflammatory processes.

Therefore, it is important for health that the weight be within the norm – otherwise the risk of many diseases seriously increases. In addition, obesity is associated with some types of cancer. The risk of hypertension, diabetes and atherosclerosis increases in proportion to weight. Sometimes it is enough for hypertensive patients to change their diet, give up bad habits and become friends with sports, so that they no longer experience problems with high blood pressure.

How to deal with this? Try to keep your weight under control. Specialists will help you figure out all the subtleties and make a diet – now there are nutritionists in almost all polyclinics. The doctor will help you adjust your diet and advise you on appropriate physical activity for weight loss. It may be necessary to treat existing diseases.

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Author: alex

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