Three main substances for longevity have been identified

The duration of a person's life is largely determined by how effectively he can use the tools at his disposal. Lifestyle is a clear example: lack of physical activity, bad habits and improper diet can cause various health problems.

Although the benefits of taking nutritional supplements are questioned by some skeptics, studies prove that they can actually extend life. “Scientists believe there are some supplements that can naturally activate our longevity genes,” explained Lewis Dartnell of the GBS Clinic. As reported by, Dartnell and his team analyzed the results of scientific works and came to the conclusion that only three substances can bring real benefits to health.


This substance is used in the treatment and prevention of type 2 diabetes. However, according to Dartnell, its benefits are not limited to this disease. One study involving more than 41,000 people showed that the drug reduced bone fragility by 24%, cancer risk by 6%, and cardiovascular disease by 19%. In addition, it increased the total life expectancy by 6%. According to scientists, metformin works as a neuroprotective agent.


Another supplement that can increase lifespan is Nmn (nicotinamide mononucleotide). As the expert explained, in the body, NMN is converted into NAD +, which is considered the main coenzyme contained in every cell. This substance is produced naturally by the body, but its levels inevitably decline with age.

A key study of NAD-boosting molecules has shown that optimal levels of this coenzyme in old age can “enhance health and extend life” . NMN is believed to activate longevity genes, mimicking the effects of exercise.


This is a naturally occurring polyphenol found in large amounts in blueberries, red grapes, and blame In addition, it is also available in pill form. Research has shown that the trace element activates longevity genes and can slow down the rate of aging. Scientists claim that the determination of the mechanisms of action of resveratrol and similar molecules, as well as the development of methods to improve the bioavailability of polyphenols, have enormous potential for improving human health.

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Author: alex

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