Three mistakes that many people make in the morning are named
Most people make daily mistakes that can lead to health problems. One of the doctor's bad habits is drinking coffee on an empty stomach.
It is known that drinking coffee on an empty stomach can cause gastritis, pancreatitis and other chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so it is better to drink the drink at lunch. The doctor emphasized that morning coffee also “draws vigor from the body”, which exhausts both the nervous and endocrine systems. In the morning, to feel cheerful, it is wiser to do gymnastics or take a short walk.
Also, you cannot be careless about morning water consumption. It is necessary to drink a cup of warm water immediately after sleep, neither hot nor cold. Due to the icy liquid, the production of enzymes and juices is blocked, and boiling water burns the mucous membrane.
It is ideal if after drinking a person does gymnastics, and after half an hour starts breakfast. The meal should include protein products: cottage cheese, eggs or cheeses. Bakery products and instant cereals will only cause harm, since by eating a sandwich with oil, a person “blocks” the process of night burning.
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