Three mistakes through which cheeses do not bake
It is difficult to find people who do not like cheeses. This is always a relevant dish. You can eat them at any time of the day. With sour cream, condensed milk, jam – the perfect breakfast or midday. An even better story with cheeses if you know how to cook them. Read more about the three standard mistakes that your favorite dish can stay inside the raw. Cheese must be squeezed. Failure to do so will either fall apart during frying or not baked. If you are in a hurry in the frying process, the dish will burn. The black crust and the raw middle are not at all what you were counting on. It is necessary to fry in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil, but not on high heat. Some chefs suggest lightly fry the cheese for the crust and then move them into the oven. Yes, they look appetizing, but the size is closely related to the previous points. It is necessary to select the temperature and boil in the oven. In a frying pan, it will be extremely difficult to bring to the condition.
three simple mistakes that can cost you cheese. Squeeze the cheese, cook over medium heat and do not rush. The result will be perfect!
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