Three reasons to eat honey every day

A nutritious and useful taste that people have been familiar with people for thousands of years. pits. Minerals: potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium, sulfur, chlorine, fructose, glucose and proteins. It has restorative properties, helps fight inflammatory processes and adjust the pressure. It is best to buy honey on apiaries, there is a possibility of getting a fake much lower. Honey can be prepared a very useful drink – honey water. Just dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of water. You can add a slice of lemon. You will taste like this drink and will also be a great remedy to help digestion and immunity.

there is another interesting fact – regular use of honey will help to improve the appearance of your skin. This is due to nutrients and cleanses the effect that honey has. Honey can be used to make home cosmetics.

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Author: alex

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