Three reasons why highly intelligent people love solitude

Research has shown that those with high intelligence experience less life satisfaction when the frequency of their social contact increases.

Loneliness is a sense of perceived social isolation. Like any feeling, it can be expressed purely individually. People can lead a solitary lifestyle and not feel lonely, or they can have a life rich in social contacts, but still feel lonely.

According to research, loneliness is often gravitated towards highly intelligent people. The data collected by scientists showed that intelligent people experience less satisfaction with life as the frequency of their socialization increases – as well as when they begin to communicate less than usual.

Why is the attraction to loneliness associated with high intelligence? Experts cite several possible reasons.

This gives them the opportunity to learn something new. Highly intelligent people spend most of their time learning new information. At the same time, they get a very voluminous, multifaceted view of things and life, which accordingly shapes their thinking.

This gives time for planning. According to scientists, people with high intellectually inclined to planning and calculations. Therefore, they have no problems with spending time – they always know what they will do. Loneliness, in turn, allows them to make a reasonable and effective plan, carefully consider their decisions.

They do not need recognition. Many people seek recognition for their efforts and merits, but highly intelligent people other people's opinion about them is not very motivating – they are well aware of their abilities and often do not seek approval, do not feel the need to adapt.

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Author: alex

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