Three secrets to the most delicious cheesecakes: they don't fall apart or spread
When frying cheesecakes, many incidents can occur. Sometimes they fall apart and don't hold their shape, sometimes they spread in the pan. It happens differently. Problems with cheesecakes arise due to a number of culinary mistakes. Cooks told us what not to do during the cooking process.
Secrets of perfect cheesecakes
Experienced cooks recommend taking sour milk cheese with a fat content of 9%, because less fat is more difficult to work with. After all, no one likes dry cheesecakes.
According to experts, you don't need to add flour to cheesecakes. They are more tender without it. Housewives don't always agree with this, claiming that 10 g of flour is needed for every 100 g of cheese. In this matter, with cheesecakes, as with borscht, everyone has their own truth.
What can be used instead of flour? It is recommended to add semolina or rice starch. The cheesecakes will be very tender. For 500 g of cheese, add 2-3 tbsp. of semolina. It all depends on the moisture content. If you add starch, then for 350 g of cheese, add 3 tbsp.
Follow the proportions and choose high-quality sour milk cheese. The cheesecakes will be fantastically delicious. By the way, you also shouldn't abuse sugar in the cheesecakes, because they will float. It is better to add jam or sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.
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