Three signs of the zodiac that do not forgive betrayal: a full stop in relationships

Creation of strong and long-term relationships involves mutual trust and respect of partners. However, it often happens that a relationship can be destroyed literally in an instant by the betrayal of one of the partners.


This is a very proud and decisive sign. zodiac and he will never forgive betrayal. However, he values ​​order in his home and everyday life, so if someone or something violates this order, Leo will become nervous and even angry. In relationships, he expects unobtrusive trust and affection. Betrayal can destroy relations with Leo, who will quickly recover and start looking for happiness elsewhere.


Representatives of this zodiac sign are extremely sensitive. They prefer to suffer than to forgive betrayal, because this is the most emotional sign of the zodiac and is very delicate. They hate change, and when their world is suddenly shattered by a loss of trust, they can become broken, vengeful, and angry. They are quick to run away from people who hurt them and look for a safe place, so it is not surprising that for them betrayal is the final end of a relationship, and their wounds take a long time to heal.


People born under this zodiac sign will endure betrayal in silence and will not stop, dramatize or discuss. They will just come to terms with the lost trust and walk away because they won't forgive, but will quickly seek solace from someone else. They will turn to friends, family, and perhaps a new person who will show them positive feelings and eventually win their heart. Soon they will become trusting again, but they will never want to see the person who betrayed them again.

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Author: alex

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