Three simple habits help you look younger than your years

Actual age is not always corresponds to how a person looks and feels.

Scientists say that primarily the effect of youthfulness is provided by the balance of physical form and psychological mood. People without excess weight, friendly, with a sense of humor usually look younger. Thus, if genetics are not considered, we can be rejuvenated by healthy habits, physical and social activity.

At least three simple habits, quite capable of fitting into the existence of a large number of people, help us look younger than our years.


Adequate sleep. According to neuroscientist Thomas Burke, good quality sleep is crucial for health at any age, but especially as we approach the threshold of aging. People who prefer to go to bed earlier than to monitor their conscience and read the news on the Internet, provide their brain with an invaluable service – its protection against age-related degenerative processes is significantly improved.

“The brain spends a third of its life in a state of sleep, and this is the time when it is most coordinated. Sleep not only allows you to rest, but also improves the memory function, the fading of which is one of the markers of aging,” says the expert.

Eat enough healthy fats. After 40-45 years in the body, hormones are seriously reorganized, which begins to affect physical characteristics, appearance, and brain function. So that such an effect is not negative, healthy fats are necessary. For those who want to slow down aging and look younger than their years, it is especially important to eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Their presence in the diet ensures the prevention of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, diabetes.

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Author: alex

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