Three simple ways to avoid daytime sleepiness that will definitely work
In this article let's talk about proven methods that will help you stay cheerful until the evening.
Sometimes it is difficult to maintain a charge of cheerfulness all day, and after dinner you start to fall asleep (especially if you suffer from chronic lack of sleep at night). Unfortunately, few people in the world have the luxury of taking a nap in the middle of a working day. That's why we offer three effective methods that will save you from drowsiness and help you stay energetic until the evening.
A balanced complete lunch
If you eat a lot of fast carbohydrates for lunch (whether it's fast food or sweets), there are sharp jumps in the level of sugar in the blood, which leads to a loss of energy and drowsiness immediately after eating. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor what your daily meal consists of.
Experts recommend eating a palm-sized portion of protein (meat, fish, eggs, tofu, etc.), an equal portion of complex carbohydrates (whole grain pasta or bread, beans, lentils, etc.), and two servings of colorful fruits or vegetables. You can also add some healthy fats: olive oil, avocado, nuts, etc. Such a lunch will easily fill you up and help keep you energetic until the evening.
Daytime physical activity can quickly relieve drowsiness. And there are several reasons for this. First, when you exercise, your body produces more mitochondria in your muscles. They, in turn, convert glucose into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the body's fuel source that increases the amount of energy. Secondly, physical exercises improve the circulation of oxygen in the blood, which additionally supports the production of mitochondria, and also ensures the release of endorphins – hormones that help us feel energetic and happy.
The main thing here is not to overdo it. An ordinary brisk walk, a 15-minute active yoga session or a small strength complex will do. The main thing is to choose a load that you like, then the endorphins will not be long in coming.
Master relaxation techniques
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Chronic stress robs us of energy and can cause daytime sleepiness. Therefore, in order to stay cheerful, it is important to learn methods that will help relieve tension here and now. It can be breathing exercises, meditation, aromatherapy or just a short break from work and doing your favorite hobby. A banal piece of dark chocolate after dinner is also suitable – cocoa beans contain polyphenols that help fight stress.
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