Three types of shoes that can provoke back pain

Back pain – a common phenomenon. According to WHO, about 80% of the world's population suffers from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. However, there are ways to reduce the intensity of back pain. Sometimes it is enough to change the shoes.

High heels

High heels are the main cause of back pain, but they are often considered to be exclusively a women's problem. But, according to experts at the Long Island Spine Specialist Clinic, USA, men who wear shoes with a heel of 2.5-5 cm, for example, rough high boots, can also experience severe back pain.

The American Osteopathic Association (AOA) notes that wearing heels shifts the center of gravity forward, resulting in an involuntary arching of the back. As a result, the spine is in an unnatural position.

The foot muscles connect to the calf muscles and hamstrings, which connect to the pelvis and back. If your heel is uncomfortable, your back will be uncomfortable too.

Shoes with flat soles

Shoes with flat soles seem like a logical solution, but here too everything is not so simple A completely flat sole does not provide sufficient support for the arch of the foot, which causes additional stress on the legs, and therefore on the back.

The lack of a good insole and support for the arch of the foot also leads to excessive stretching of ligaments and tendons.



According to the data, flip flops are another dangerous type of footwear. To hold them comfortably, you have to squeeze your toes. To compensate for this movement, the position of the hips and back changes.

As a result, the step becomes shorter and less natural. In addition, flip-flops do not support the arch of the foot, which provokes the problems already described for flat shoes.

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Author: alex

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